Safe, Accessible, and (Best of All) Easy

Developed by Jessy Wollen, founder of Shift Education, Certified Sexual Health Educator & Teacher with 13 years of experience in sexual health education, this online training prepares educators to teach The Circuit, an inclusive Sexual Health Education Program for students aged 14-18 years old, by utilizing The Circuit Kit as a teaching tool. You’ll learn how to deliver a 75-minute “grab & go” sex ed lesson that is student-driven and inquiry-based. Much like a fitness circuit, students move through game-based stations in small groups, interacting with set units surrounding sexual health and healthy relationship topics.

In this online training, Jessy will explain The Circuit program, how to deliver the program, and use the materials included in The Circuit Kit. Jessy has run the Circuit more than 100 times in various schools. It was created to make sex ed less awkward and more fun for teachers and students. And it works! Students like to learn with their peers, and teachers feel they can run the program independently after completing the initial training. With every class taught, you will build confidence, develop creative assessments, and uncover new ways to utilize The Circuit stations.

Who's it for

This training is for anyone interested in offering The Circuit Sexual Health Education Program to their students. It's for teachers who need to meet the Physical and Health Education Outcomes mandated by the province.

How it works

You’ll receive access to 13 video lessons (1.5 hours of content) on an easy-to-use online learning platform. Videos can be watched all at once or over time, and your progress will be tracked as you go. Once completed, you will be prepared to teach The Circuit program to your students!

In terms of teaching materials, one or more of The Circuit Kits should be purchased per school. BONUS! You’ll receive a $10 off coupon code for The Circuit Kit once you complete this training.


    1. A The Circuit

    2. B Circuit Poster

    3. C Materials List

    1. D Period Station

    2. E Condom Station

    3. F Values Station

    1. G Literature Station

    2. H Healthy Relationship Station

    3. I Intimacy Ladder Station

    1. J Online Resource Station

    2. K You Deserve Support Station

    3. L Reproductive Systems Station

    4. M Safer Sex Station

About this training

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Build your capacity to talk comfortably and confidently about sexual health education. Get started today!